Tuesday, August 7, 2007


Roof said : Aim High
Fan said : Be cool
clock said : Every minutes preciuos

Mirror said : Reflect before Act

Window said : See the World

calender said : Be upto date
Door said : Push hard ( the opportunity door) to achieve
your goal....

All The Best!!!!!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Grieving to be A Star!!!

"Thank you hollywood!!!", the tv industry has done a very great job in indication what it takes to be a STAR!!

The Grieving has come to an Extent where girls are willing to put themselves under the knifes to look as good as movie celebrities..but little do they know that what they see is not what it is.Its become so common to hear someone saying that they want to perfect themselves with the help of plastic surgery...we are soo immune to such thing. Thank you once again "Hollywood."

The entertainment world is fooling them..and their one clever medium is "television." I'm not saying that i'm against looking slim and beautiful but looking like a "stick" and claiming that that's how it should be is WRONG..this issue has being surfacing all the time in our normal daily life conversion like the way global warming had been but sadly as we know that its too late now to regret on our actions..hopefully the desire of being " slim" does not suffer the same faith as how our EARTH is suffering.

How naive can the ladies out there get??? Recent case studies show that it is soo easy to lure/convince women to put their live in danger for chance of a lifetime role in Hollywood. They easily turn up for auditions in hotel room alone and become a victim to casting couch ( exchange of sexual pleasure for a ROLE )they are even killed if they fight back!! Open your eye, don't be naive no matter how badly you want your DREAM. I'm not saying every audition KILLs. AUDItion through manager/agents are a signs of REAL audition.

Hunger for Stardom is exactly what predators pray.. if ever along the way you have this little hesitation.. trust your instinct, don't be afraid to trust and follow the voice inside you! Be Safe..Follow Your Dream...Follow Your Guts..

Saturday, June 9, 2007


Watch your thoughts;
they become Words.

Watch your words;
they become Actions.

Watch your actions;
they become Habits.

Watch your habits;
they become Character.

Watch your character..
it becomes your Destiny!

-Frank Outlaw

[The Wheel of Time]

This few days i have been feeling really frustrated with everything around me..this mood of mine has effected others around me directly or indirectly somehow..just a small request to those people..be patient, i'm new at this or this experience..just be patient..

Thursday, June 7, 2007

why does life put me in front of such double face creeps ?

Tuesday, June 5, 2007


this pic was taken from my hp..w550i..cool nah..anyways if u are wondering if that's my leg ..yea it is..taken at Hnin's condominium swimming pool.alright tats all abt it...

The last week of sch is coming to an end before our study break starts..this term modules are boring..not as though previous ones were great but..i know i should not be grumbling about it as i do not have a choice over the modules..
Ive been so into having fun(!), not to mention shopping and bumming around, I seriously forgot all about the ‘real’ stuff. Like studying.
So its back to getting my nose to the grinding wheel again.
Focus focus focus. come onnn.
Times like this are when u wish there was such thing as magic..where u can simple use a magic stick and make everything fine..where's harry porter when I need one..not as though I'm a great fan..but I'm desperate..
Things have not been really going that well for me..i dont know is it just me or it happen with everyone...i felt that i really knew that person but then came a point or a moment which proved me so wrong. i just dont understand why such behaviour just escapes our eye..why isnt it a black and white situation.
Watch your character..
it becomes your Destiny

Friday, June 1, 2007

Am i sick..


I'm sipping onto my homemade coffee (yummmy) ..damn bored..and ya i'm home alone at this point of time..my com is blasthing with bollywood song (Aashiq Banaya Aapn)..just a small attempt to get rid of the silence..
The rain just enhances the taste of this damn coffee. It's pouring madness..
Feeling really down..
common test is just around the corner..and i've yet to figure out mu modules..sounds really lame but thats the fact..tried to my best not to let this fear get me but... hey somethings you just can't run away from..
...in fact it just catches you by surprise.

Thursday, May 31, 2007


As we all chase after our goals in life somewhere along the road we tend to let go of things that are valuable to us... I mean whats life without an impossible dream.
Generally speaking, we get soo lost..broken..that at times like this we look for a shoulder to lean on for comfort and care. And what if we dont have anyone to tend to..what do you do..
As for me i turn to my belief in LORD..It makes me feel important and HIS not judgemental.
The world seem so contend with scientific evidence that we begin to question the exsistence of GOD..does he really exsist..
Look around you and you'll see the effect of science influence instantly. I don't understand why we tend to struggel for things and fit into a world where you're on the judging scale all the time..
Reality is one..that Religion... and its not what we choose to believe is true. relationship with God is the actual truth.
life should be used to uncover that religion, which is everyone’s natural heritage, including myself. Dont let it get lost so as to chase for your big dreams, but instead use it as an additional plus point to strengthen your progress in life..
Give it a try.. we'll never be happy rejecting something which is our birth right..will we???

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Happy Birthday BAbe


just wanna give a shout out to my fren shamini...happy birthday yaar..i know u enjoyed the little surprise but some retartd stuff spoil ur mood..well all i can say..at every step, life throws new challanges..not to worry it just makes every individual much strong..

happy birthday gal ...
just a little something for u :
"Silence does not always mark wisdom".Samuel Taylor Coleridge.
In this Era...silence will never be appreciated
But instead it is always mistaken for weakness.
I totally agree when claim that:
to talk little, to hear much, to reflect alone upon what has passed in company, to distrust one's own opinions, and value others that deserve it.
Deserve it..not all are worth the love ..not because they are little compared to others..but its just that they have yet to reach the level of maturity and wisdom which they will but after learning it the hard way..
This really makes sense to me :I cannot give you the formula for success, but I can give you the formula for failure--which is:Try to please everybody.
Herbert Bayard Swope
All i know is that it is foolish to fear what you cannot avoid...
To those who do not appreciate the feelings and the importants of relationship
I'm hoping this will make sense to YOu ..at the end of the day what you have left is how you treat ONEs around you...Because life is after all nothing but KARMA..


I luv tis PIC!!!

i just love tis pic..its my favourite...hahahha..we look drop dead gorgeous..i mean how can someone look so damn gooooddd..hahhaha ....noe wad I mean..


Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Wine = friendship

the older the wine..the better it taste
If you like older, "well-aged," or mature wines, then yes, older is better, as simple as that.
I mean its a very easy theory to understand or better followed from generation to generation in the wine industry===> old is better!
But that's not the only thing tat determines the goodness of wine, feeling of smoothness and delighfultness are such other factor. You might come across a wine tat tastes off, musty or moldy, now tats not how a good wine taste!
i wouldnt say that i'm an expert in jugding or tasting a wine but one thing for sure tat our three senses are involve namely, sight, smell and taste. Such a delicate and logical methods are used..
Well now you must be wondering wad am i driving at..ok to the main point..
In life you may come across with lots of different people..may or may not make new friends or relationship..Seen such relation being made and lost..some for good some for the worst..But till to date i'm still not able to understand why do peple tend to let go of frens or love ones for someone new..letting go years of moment to creat new moments.. moment/memories built on a foundation tat is made up of dead and lost frens never do they succeed.. do they?
Judging and and treasuring friendship involves lots of work in a way similar to wine making..sometimes you are hurt and sometimes you are loved..sometimes you loose and sometimes gain..But wadever u get in return are a bonus cos in friendship = sturdy shelter( no greed..no shellfishness..)
"Forsake not an old friend; for the new is not comparable to him: a new friend is as new wine; when it is old, thou shall drink it with pleasure."- Sirach 9:10
tis really makes sense doesnt it :)

Saturday, March 17, 2007


has there ever been a point in life when u just feel that u are not happy with the things around you ...that there is someone totally different inside you who is eagerly waiting to come out. And that person inside of you is full of dreams and hope.what is dreams ??

  • A series of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations occurring involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep.

  • A state of abstraction; a trance.

  • A state of abstraction; a trance.

  • A condition or achievement that is longed for; an aspiration

Well for me i would say dreams is all about creating your life the way u exactly want it to be and ya tats how life should be..Someone may have stolen your dream when it was young and fresh and you were innocent..but ever in life you feel that i wanna relive that same dream ..dont look back and don't even hesitate cos Some desires are necessary to keep life in motion.

Saturday, January 13, 2007


Clubbing ===> a public or private establishment that is open late at night to provide entertainment, drink, music and/or dancing

well tats the general point of view that u can get from certain people..you get different points of view when it comes to clubbing from different individuals as compared to back then..things were much simpler..clubbing===> WRONG
i mean if u look at things, making decision back then was so much easier because wrong and right were like so black and white. BUT now it would be a pure headach making that same decision.
The question here now is " to go or not to go", many would say thats individual preference..lets say u decide to go for it..would u be proud to say u do..i mean without thinking what kind of impression that person would have about you.
Back then, it would be DEfinite NO for the ladies but now things are not the same, equality, in almost everyting.i mean we ladies also have the right for entertainments..
But ACCEPT it girls, no matter how fast this world might move we are always expected to know our limits. By the way take it as a compliment cos despite all the mordernisations and rapid changes , our role and values are still high, we are still respected in our own ways, therefore there will definitely be EXPECTATIONS . Just a few days ago, this friend of mine actually mention the the word ' visually rape ', and then it stayed in my head, and got me vexed.
thinking that u are totally safe in the club but are u really safe ? I always believe that even though u are not physical touched but u are definitely ' visually rape '. i have no problem with wadever decision or point of view u might finally made but make sure its opinionated with reason!!!