Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Wine = friendship

the older the wine..the better it taste
If you like older, "well-aged," or mature wines, then yes, older is better, as simple as that.
I mean its a very easy theory to understand or better followed from generation to generation in the wine industry===> old is better!
But that's not the only thing tat determines the goodness of wine, feeling of smoothness and delighfultness are such other factor. You might come across a wine tat tastes off, musty or moldy, now tats not how a good wine taste!
i wouldnt say that i'm an expert in jugding or tasting a wine but one thing for sure tat our three senses are involve namely, sight, smell and taste. Such a delicate and logical methods are used..
Well now you must be wondering wad am i driving at..ok to the main point..
In life you may come across with lots of different people..may or may not make new friends or relationship..Seen such relation being made and lost..some for good some for the worst..But till to date i'm still not able to understand why do peple tend to let go of frens or love ones for someone new..letting go years of moment to creat new moments.. moment/memories built on a foundation tat is made up of dead and lost frens never do they succeed.. do they?
Judging and and treasuring friendship involves lots of work in a way similar to wine making..sometimes you are hurt and sometimes you are loved..sometimes you loose and sometimes gain..But wadever u get in return are a bonus cos in friendship = sturdy shelter( no greed..no shellfishness..)
"Forsake not an old friend; for the new is not comparable to him: a new friend is as new wine; when it is old, thou shall drink it with pleasure."- Sirach 9:10
tis really makes sense doesnt it :)


Anonymous said...

hey very nice entry.. it means alot to me.. and it does makes sense..

moment/memories built on a foundation tat is made up of dead and lost frens never do they succeed.. do they?

To me i dun think they succeed..

My opinion..

Cherish everyone around u.. especially those who are nice 2 u..
Never EVER let go of a frenship thats valuable/precious..
Will end up regretting for the rest of ur life..
U'll suffer from:
1) insomnia(sleepless nights)...
2) You'll miss e person like shit..especially if its sum1 close 2 u..
And will feel even worse when u realise ur mistake..
speaking frm experience.. =)
love all my frens..
Indru...i love ya...
~Shamini Mohan Thas~

Anonymous said...

Firstly, hats off to your english n ur effort taken to post such entries...
Very sensible entries...
it's a really good entry especially for those who dun treasure friendship... Frankly i've learnt my lesson too...
so thx ya...
do carry on updating ur blog often...
take care...

Anonymous said...

I love the old wines the way i care for my old mates!!!

Anonymous said...

I love the old wines the way i care for my old mates!!!


Anonymous said...

Hey hey... deep deep... dun usually read blogs... but urs got me glued to the screen... yea... read all of ur posts... really deep stuff... wine = friendship .. yeap! really cool... can really see u spend alot of time posting such meaningful stuff.. hope u update ur blog often.. n yea always be opinionated wif reason... yupp yupp... cool keep it up! cya..tc n byebye..

-sucker for deep stuff...

Anonymous said...

to all who loved tis entry..thanks for ur wonderfull comments..means alot..please do continue reading..and ya i'll try to update as often as possible...

Anonymous said...

but friendship sometimes do get stale right?..