Sunday, December 31, 2006

The magic of 'ada'

Umrao Jaan - Beauty, grace, class and that "something" called 'ada', blend it with memorable poetry, soul stirring vocals, lilting music

Too many good things to list..The whole film is like a beautiful poem being unveiled on screen..Rekha,Ameeran /Umrao

In an interesting twist of fate...Aishwarya Rai now playes the role of Ameeran/Umrao..who did a batter job..????...the funny thing is that for her part Aishwarya sobs her eyes out from the very beginning, up until the very end. She simpers and whimpers and yet you’re just not moved.

In contrast, you're reminded of Rekha who in the earlier film suffers in silence all along, holding back her tears till the very end, building up to a big climatic moment when your heart goes out to her.
I loved the movie, even though it WAS really slow and draggy.I was just loving the dances and fancy urdu poetry.#grin#.
It is definitely the story of thousands of young girls.. sold off to become courtesans; practically impossible to escape. And the saddest thing is, it still happens.

Thursday, December 28, 2006


When Friendship Becomes Unhealthy

When spending time with a friend leaves you tense, frustrated, angry or upset, it may be time to reevaluate how healthy this relationship really is.

  1. 1) Do you feel badly about yourself, put down or demeaned often when you're with them?

2) Do you tend to give more to the friendship than you get back?

3) Do you feel unusually dependent on them or them on you, more so than your other friends?

"If you answer 'yes' to any of these questions, you need to consider whether this is a friendship worth keeping as is."

Once you find yourself in a such friendship, how do you change the situation? Is confrontation always the best option, or is it sometimes OK to let the friendship die a natural death?

"If you feel that most of the time spent together leaves you unhappy and unwell, then communicate openly with your friend. "Just get to the point of the problem and then listen. You might learn something you didn't know and can compromise or rekindle the relationship from a new, set point."

Sometimes, though, it's easier just to let the friendship die from neglect.however, that ending a friendship can leave a painful gap in our lives no matter how unhealthy that relationship was. "Give yourself time to grieve and get your feelings out."

it is important in a friendship to express yourself naturally and truthfully**

New YEAR Resolution


Ya, i know there are many people who will agree with me that i need to improve on my punctuality..."The trouble with being punctual is that nobody's there to appreciate it." - Franklin Jones. I need to improve it and that’s it. And stop justifying my laziness.


1. "I have always been a quarter of an hour before my time, and it has made a man of me." - Lord Nelson

2. "Better three hours too soon than a minute too late." - William Shakespeare.

i just wanna get rid of the very much overused and abused reason..'Indian Timing’.
i dont wanna associated with it and its not true cos not all indian are like that( my fren SHAMINI for an example)

But more importantly, learning to respect other’s time.
"You may as well borrow a person's money as his time." - Horace Mann**
this makes a lot of sense to me*

math = madness

when it comes to math, I always find myself in dark tunnels with no light at the end etc.. im freaking out basically wen it comes to math. #lol#

But then I came across Einstein’s comment ‘Whatever your difficulties are in calculations, I can assure you, mine are greater still’.

So that was it..with such a personal assurance from Einstein himself. I can't complain about math. He failed Maths in 9th Grade you know. Now that's really Comforting to know

wow maybe i'll be a famous mathematician when i grow up (!) I cant think of anything more unlikely.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

reincarnation of Buddha

Ram Bahadur Banjan, 16, a missing teenage boy in KATMANDU, Nepal ( believes to be the reincarnation of Buddha ).
Eight months have already passed since he began his "deep meditation" but the confusion whether he has really not eaten or drunk anything during this period is still unresolved. It has been claimed that the 16-yr-old has not drunk even a single drop of water since he began his meditation on May 17, last year.
Authorities in Nepal urged religious groups and scientists on to help solve the mystery of a meditating teenaged boy who some believe is an incarnation of Buddha
Buddha, who founded Buddhism, was born a prince in Lumbini, a dusty village in Nepal’s rice growing plains about 350 km west of the capital Kathmandu, over 2,600 years ago.
He attained enlightenment at Bodh Gaya in Bihar that borders Nepal.

now is this just a sign of strong determination, like they say mind over matter ..or is it just his strong faith that's keeping him thats something to think about..

save water!!

#roflrofl# how do i always come across this kind of crazy stuff?!

omkara ada!!

I see a strange pattern here. I just seem to like all the not soo good looking actors. But I watched OMKARA and liked his work. usual la..
Don’t really like aishwariya [her acting I mean. I DO definitely think shes the most beautiful person in the world]. Watched Dhoom 2..I swear...Ash and Bipasa should have changed roles. she would have done a more convincing job.hahah but wad the heck Ajay's acting was much better and yea he was looking good man.
……………..Or is it just looooove that makes everything seem fine, and me more accommodating tonot soo good looking actors?#rofl#

Sunday, December 24, 2006


To touch wood or knock on wood is a superstition action to ward off any evil consequences or bad luck, perhaps because of some recent action you’ve taken or untimely boasting about your good fortune, it can also be a charm to bring good luck.

Not sure wad other occasions touchwood is used for,but i do have the tendecy of asking 'whys' and 'hows' of everything.Just found out where the phrase originates from ( had to cos got reminded of an occasion when my friend shamini used it..wad it meant was not the concern..but it got stuck in my head)

The origin is unknown, though some writers have pointed to pre-Christian rituals involving the spirits of sacred trees such as the oak, ash, holly or hawthorn. An old Irish belief that you should knock on wood to let the little people know that you are thanking them for a bit of good luck. There’s also a belief that the knocking sound prevents the Devil from hearing your unwise comments.

Everything has origination- you just need to find out what they are.It really annoys me when people form an opinion about something without knowning about it espicially when its a negative one.

I have no problems if you find out the reason behind something, and then say it silly, or disagree with it, or form a negative opinion on it.But find out, and be opinionated with reason!!!

The Power of Speech

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt,that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man" - Colossians 4:6

~ indrani~ at 3:53 AM

A succesful women..

A Successful Woman

'A successful man is one who can make more money than his wife can spend.

A successful woman is one who can find such a man' - Lana Turne

*hey there's always a plan B incase tis dont work out...know wad i mean..
~indrani~ at 3:26 AM

Galz watch out!!


its not a big deal now a days for a girls to walk up to their parents .. saying that they wish to become the next big thing in hollywood..bollywood..or in any kind of entertainment world..its nice to know tat at times parents do support their dreams..I was watching TYRA BANK SHOW recently..and what i saw was really shocking not that i did not expect such a thing to be happening in mordern world but ..hey where have all the smart girls gone...
Posing nude just to become the next supermodal on your first thats something for all to think about..basically all were willing to do as what the camera man was asking with the hope that they are one step closer to their dream..on top of tat they were made to pay cash up front for their portfolio..WRONG gals now tat really wrong..a right agency will never take cash from you and make u post nude on your first audition..NEVER!!!
SO gals just keep in mind tat never ever give strong..listen to the voice within you..respect yourself...there's no short cut in life..

~ indrani~
at 3:00 AM 1 comments

clouds = humans= so alike..


Has anyone ever noticed how clouds that appear in the same place, move at different speeds? And how sometimes clouds are so thick and fluffy, they MUST most definately be THE cloud nine!.. While there are others that are stretched over so thin that they’re barely there?I know theres a scientific reason for all this. But still. Its one more beautiful thing of nature. I guess it all depends on the amount of moisture in the cloud, the air pressure, and whatever.The world is full of things that all move, grow and develop at different speeds. Even people.


i can't believe tis

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Blogging+ Me = So Not ME..

Soo..yaaa..its me and yaa i'm blogging..i never thought i'll be doing tis but... hey wad the heck..there's a first time for everything..i guess its not a bad thing to blog..hopefully i'm write and time will only prove tat..the only reason why i decided to do tis cos :

  • i'm damn bored
  • a way to express my thoughts
  • wit the hope tat something good will come out of tis
i guess i suck at tis (blogging) ....takes time i know..just hope tat i'll be able to keep up ..cos i tend to lose interest in stuff quite hope i dont leave tis half way..tis will be for today hope its ok for a first timer..nites..and yea while i was penning dowm my thoughts i was actually talking to raj..smsing shamini and chatting..multi tasking..