Thursday, December 28, 2006

math = madness

when it comes to math, I always find myself in dark tunnels with no light at the end etc.. im freaking out basically wen it comes to math. #lol#

But then I came across Einstein’s comment ‘Whatever your difficulties are in calculations, I can assure you, mine are greater still’.

So that was it..with such a personal assurance from Einstein himself. I can't complain about math. He failed Maths in 9th Grade you know. Now that's really Comforting to know

wow maybe i'll be a famous mathematician when i grow up (!) I cant think of anything more unlikely.


Shamini Mohan Thas said...

can u kindly not insult maths untill like that not.. maths is not = madness!!

Anonymous said...

hehe math=madness
i agree lor... that y my msn put "Math Make Mark Mad".