Sunday, December 24, 2006

Galz watch out!!


its not a big deal now a days for a girls to walk up to their parents .. saying that they wish to become the next big thing in hollywood..bollywood..or in any kind of entertainment world..its nice to know tat at times parents do support their dreams..I was watching TYRA BANK SHOW recently..and what i saw was really shocking not that i did not expect such a thing to be happening in mordern world but ..hey where have all the smart girls gone...
Posing nude just to become the next supermodal on your first thats something for all to think about..basically all were willing to do as what the camera man was asking with the hope that they are one step closer to their dream..on top of tat they were made to pay cash up front for their portfolio..WRONG gals now tat really wrong..a right agency will never take cash from you and make u post nude on your first audition..NEVER!!!
SO gals just keep in mind tat never ever give strong..listen to the voice within you..respect yourself...there's no short cut in life..

~ indrani~
at 3:00 AM 1 comments

1 comment:

Shamini Mohan Thas said...

hey.. hope nth happens to this blog..ha ha.. okok...nice posts..interesting topics... keep it up.. can i request smth an entry abt love 4 me plz.. hahaz... kk take care..