Sunday, December 24, 2006

i can't believe tis

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Blogging+ Me = So Not ME..

Soo..yaaa..its me and yaa i'm blogging..i never thought i'll be doing tis but... hey wad the heck..there's a first time for everything..i guess its not a bad thing to blog..hopefully i'm write and time will only prove tat..the only reason why i decided to do tis cos :

  • i'm damn bored
  • a way to express my thoughts
  • wit the hope tat something good will come out of tis
i guess i suck at tis (blogging) ....takes time i know..just hope tat i'll be able to keep up ..cos i tend to lose interest in stuff quite hope i dont leave tis half way..tis will be for today hope its ok for a first timer..nites..and yea while i was penning dowm my thoughts i was actually talking to raj..smsing shamini and chatting..multi tasking..

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