Thursday, December 28, 2006


When Friendship Becomes Unhealthy

When spending time with a friend leaves you tense, frustrated, angry or upset, it may be time to reevaluate how healthy this relationship really is.

  1. 1) Do you feel badly about yourself, put down or demeaned often when you're with them?

2) Do you tend to give more to the friendship than you get back?

3) Do you feel unusually dependent on them or them on you, more so than your other friends?

"If you answer 'yes' to any of these questions, you need to consider whether this is a friendship worth keeping as is."

Once you find yourself in a such friendship, how do you change the situation? Is confrontation always the best option, or is it sometimes OK to let the friendship die a natural death?

"If you feel that most of the time spent together leaves you unhappy and unwell, then communicate openly with your friend. "Just get to the point of the problem and then listen. You might learn something you didn't know and can compromise or rekindle the relationship from a new, set point."

Sometimes, though, it's easier just to let the friendship die from neglect.however, that ending a friendship can leave a painful gap in our lives no matter how unhealthy that relationship was. "Give yourself time to grieve and get your feelings out."

it is important in a friendship to express yourself naturally and truthfully**


Shamini Mohan Thas said...

hey... nice entry...u noe i luv u rite...ha ha... but rmbr nt 2 save water in e wrng way...hahaha...dun eva let our frenship get slipped away...god bless..hahhaha..

Shamini Mohan Thas said...

i just love tat entry...

Anonymous said...

HEy i agree but what abt this> u will never know ubtil u try ok.. kepp smiling..

cheers mate!!